Sample Scholarship Application Letter


A scholarship is an award of financial assistance given to deserving students to continue their education at a higher level.

It’s possible to define the essential criteria of education as things like interest, hard effort, and, most importantly, merit; yet, to realize one’s desires, it’s sometimes necessary to also consider practical considerations like finances. This is where the core concept of academic work may be found.

In most cases, specific organizations or educational institutions bestow them upon students after evaluating their abilities in the many sectors for which they are being granted via the administration of numerous examinations.

The scholarship may be for academics, athletics, or something else entirely. To distinguish the candidate as the one most worthy of the scholarship, the application letter should highlight the applicant’s positive qualities.

The letter should make it abundantly evident that the individual applying for the award is honest and has put in a lot of effort to gain the organization’s confidence.

Those who put in a lot of effort may benefit much from writing scholarship application letters since these letters enable students to conquer their financial challenges and realize their ambitions.

Sample Scholarship Application Letter

  • Format the letter in a business-like manner.
  • Write in a manner that is easy to understand and uncomplicated.
  • Don’t give the impression that you need the money.
  • Please explain why you should be granted a scholarship.

Sample Scholarship Application Letter Template

Use our free Sample Scholarship Application Letter to help you get started.


Date: _____ (Date on Which Letter is Written)

Subject: Scholarship Application Letter.
Dear ____(Sir/Madam),

I was excited to read about ___(amount of money) being donated as a scholarship by ___(name of organization), your organization, to one lucky college student. I have always dreamed of attending the ___(name of college) in ___(name of the city) to pursue a ____(course).

It has always been my dream to be a ____(desired profession) ever since I was a little. The ___(field of study) area is difficult and has many challenging classes. However, I feel that I have what it takes to rise to this challenge. To be a ____(desired profession) means everything to me. Unfortunately, with the cost of room and books, and all the other charges, it is going to be tight. I appreciate your consideration.

I graduated from ___(name of High School) in the previous year with honors at the top of my class. I took part in almost every extracurricular activities and served on the debate team and ran for class president. I believe in getting involved in all the activities the school has to offer.

I am well aware that you receive numerous applications for this scholarship. I am hoping that you will make time to read and consider my request and help me to fulfill my dream.

_____(Your name)

Also See: Application Letter for the Post of Lecturer

Sample Letter

The following is a sample of a Scholarship Application Letter.



Hardy Road 

Golden Church 


March 22, 2022. 


Rock Peter Road 

Red Cross Temple 


Subject: Scholarship Application.

Dear Madam,

I am writing this letter to submit my scholarship application for Concordia University College of Alberta’s Financial Aid Program in fall 2016. Presently, I am a first-year student of the Master of Computer Science program at the University.

To prove my sincerity, I have enclosed copies of my academic results. Coming from a low-income family, I am facing financial difficulties. Thus, I am unable to pay my fee for the semester. I have been planning to get a part-time job to manage the finances of my studies, but it seems it would not be enough to cover the tuition and accommodation fees. 

Based on my deprived financial condition, I will like to make a request to the board for a scholarship so that I can continue my studies to improve my financial situation. Feel free to contact me on my cellular phone at (000) 989-0149.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Your Name

Email Format

The following is the email format to be followed for a Scholarship Application Letter.

Subject: Scholarship Application Letter.

Dear ____(Sir/Madam),

I am writing this letter to submit my scholarship application for ____(Scholarship details). Presently, I am a ___(current year of study) student of a ___(current field of study) program at the University.

To prove my sincerity, I have enclosed copies of my academic results. Coming from a low-income family, I am facing financial difficulties. Thus, I am unable to pay my fee for the semester. I have been planning to get a part-time job to manage the finances of my studies, but it seems it would not be enough to cover all tuition and accommodation fees. 

Based on my deprived financial condition, I will like to make a request to the board for a scholarship so that I can continue my studies to improve my financial situation. Feel free to contact me on my cellular phone at ___(contact number).

Thank you for your time and consideration.


________(Your name)

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