What Do Blue Belly Lizards Eat?


Discover the food habits of blue-bellied lizards.

Blue belly lizards in the California grasslands are easily distinguished from other reptiles by their distinctive blue underbelly. These lizards have a scaly, brown back but a brilliant blue belly, which helps to distinguish them from others of the same species.

Male blue-belly lizards can be identified by the tiny blue spots on their throats. Many people who maintain reptiles as pets favor these small lizards. They would, however, need attention, particularly about eating. In that case, what do blue-bellied lizards eat?

Maybe you’re curious. Well, they eat a wide variety of things, from insects to fruit to meat. A carnivore, blue-bellied lizards mostly exist on a variety of insects.

Creatures, both insectivorous and otherwise

Among the most common items on their menu are insects. They can only eat the smallest insects because their mouths are very narrow. To satisfy their insectivorous diet, they can find abundant crawling and flying insects in their natural habitat. Therefore, they venture out into the woods to hunt for food.

The blue belly lizard is a digger. Thus it may also retrieve its prey from underground caves. Cockroaches, spiders, rolly pollies, ants, earwigs, and bird eggs are among the foods the blue belly lizard enjoys. In addition, blue-belly lizards will consume flies, ticks, snails, and slugs if given a chance.

However, blue-belly lizards aren’t predatory and can’t digest the large reptiles or animals that may otherwise cross their paths.

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Foodstuffs, Flora, and Fauna

Blue belly lizards do not forage for a plant-based diet, which includes vegetables and plants. They ate none of the common dry or green vegetables in the house, nor was grass, corn, wheat, bread, or any other cereal grain.

This is because they are insectivores and hence avoid eating anything that isn’t an insect. Because of this, blue-bellied lizards don’t eat any kind of vegetation.

What is the daily caloric intake of a blue belly lizard?

Blue belly lizards, like all reptiles, require a specific daily caloric intake to maintain and enhance their growth. They eat as many insects as possible to survive and multiply in the wild. In the same way, the captive blue belly lizards need a varied bug diet to stay healthy.

In the wild, what do lizards like the blue belly eat?

Blue-bellied lizards, which thrive in the wild, have a virtually limitless food supply. They can eat anything they want, whenever they want, as long as they catch it themselves. Crickets, spiders, beetles, worms, and mosquitoes are among the wild blue belly lizard’s favorite foods.

The question is, what do captive blue-belly lizards eat?

It is important to provide a balanced diet for captive blue-belly lizards. In captivity, blue-belly lizards thrive on insects like crickets, grasshoppers, ants, mealworms, and earthworms. There should be a constant supply of food and clean water for blue belly lizards.

Which foods do blue-bellied lizards avoid?

Blue-bellied lizards only eat insects and nothing else. Vegetation and fruit from the area are not included. Blue belly lizards, whether found in the wild or kept as pets, refuse to consume a wide variety of foods.

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As a result, bees, ladybugs, lettuce, strawberries, and black widow spiders aren’t on the menu for blue belly lizards.

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